Monday, July 28, 2008

My friends like tricks too.

I bought my trick magnet to school today to show my friends.

They really really like it. I keep telling them. Buy from the trick shop at the corner. But they don’t know where.

Next time I go there again, I will remember the shop name. Then I will tell my friends. I am a good rememberer. I always remember the numbers where we park our car. Everytime we go shopping, I tell momma and daddy where our car is.




I will visit you on weekend. Momma says I can only visit on weekends.

I also bought a new trick on Sunday. It is also five ringgit. I will show you next time.

Now I am going to bring it to my gym at Kidsport for show and tell.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

My trick magnet

I like trick shops.

I like the trick shop at One Utam. I really really like it. They always have new tricks.

We went there again after gym class. I save enough money to buy the magnet. Because I bring food to school I didn’t spend anything. I bought a princess diary and some money are gone. But I still got five ringgit. Mister Storekeeper says you only need five ringgit. So I tell my mom we can go.

Look. You put one magnet on top of the paper. You hide another one under the paper. The bottom one got to touch the top one and the paper between them. Then you roll the bottom magnet. The one at the top run together when you move the bottom one. Because its magnet. Except you cannot let your friends cannot see your bottom magnet.

Like magic, see? Because everyone think the magnet roll itself.

I love trick toys.

Momma says I can put the picture up but her camera is spoil.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I love going to Kidsports. We have gym at Kidsports once a week. That means I need to right away have my teatime and bath when I reach home. Then I need to take a nap before we go to Kidsports.

I love going to Kidsports and meeting my friends, Keith, Joe and Edmund.

We have fun swinging on the rope from the ceiling and playing basketball. It's really fun. Sometimes we have show and tell too. After gym, we play somemore at the playground outside the gym till the centre close at 7 o'clock.

Sometimes, my classmates, the twins, Istasha and Isabelle, dropped by Kidsports and we all play together. Istasha and Isabelle are twins but they don't have almost the same face. They look different from each other.

I have to go to bed now.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Love and Berry

Yippee !

My Love and Berry pencil cases came today. Momma bought one pink and one blue. My Mom knows I love everything about Love and Berry.



Love and Berry are 2 girls who love dancing and dressing up. They have dancing and dress up contest to see who wins.

I have collected a lot of Love and Berry cards but the machines at MidValley are not working anymore. I can only use them at Genting Highland now.


When I came home from school today, Momma told me there is a parcel for me.

I opened it as fast as I could.

There is a note from Auntie Seller, Naomi.




I am so happy my momma buy me those.

Thank you, Momma !!

Monday, July 14, 2008

MyBallet Exam !

This is taken when I was having my Ballet exam in March.


I was nervous.


But Teacher Jasmine says I will do fine as long a I am happy and cheerful.

We all lined up to go inside the exam studio.


I saw the examiner sitting on a table and I said "Good Morning, Mrs Bigg" loudly and clearly.


And I didnt stumbled and I remembered all my steps.

Teacher Jasmine was right. It wasn't difficult as long as I am cheerful.

After the exam, we don't wear pink anymore. Now we wear lilac coloured leotards and tutus.

my daddy

My daddy came home late everynight. I wish he come home early. He gave me and Ashley horsey rides and whirly twirly when he gets home. Momma says I cannot ask Daddy to give me horsey ride at night because Daddy is tired. Only on weekends. But Daddy says its okay. I am still his little girl. It's 10 o'clock at night now and Daddy is not home yet. I wish my daddy is home.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Welcome !

Welcome to my new blog. My mummy says I can have my own blog to write about stuff I like. Now I have to practice my spelling and my violin. I will come back to write more if I can finish my practice in time.